You are advice to seek for refund on or before 24hours from time of payment otherwise after 24hours will take 10 months to be reversed due to that we shall also endeavor to resell the goods you reject or the goods you are abandoning with us before we could raise back your fund a send to you . CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO OUR WEBSITE : Please Make So Very Sure You Use The Original Account You Actually Used To Make The payment Transaction Otherwise We will not be able to do the refund till another 10months time which will make it total of 20months  .We shall dully check our account statement to see if its the same name and account detail with the transaction number you use to make the payment transaction to  us before accepting and confirmed we received money from you before refunding process .Please Kinsly send email to if you have any further questioning .
* indicates required
Amount Paid
Payment Date
Transaction Number
Your Account Number
Your Account Name
Your Bank Name
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